Comprehensive course to prepare student to crack top post-graduate entrance exams in physics like JAM, JEST and TIFR. This course includes regular online classes, assignments, quizzes and doubt clearing sessions.
The course fees is Rs 21,000/- to be paid in six instalments of Rs 3,500/- each.
This course will cover :
- Classical Mechanics I
- Newton’s Law and Mechanics of System of Paricles
- Rigid Body
- Gravitational Forces
- Fluid Dynamics
- Electromagnetism I
- Electrostatics
- Magnetostatics
- Thermal Physics
- Laws of Thermodynamics
- Entropy
- Phase Transition
- Maxwell’s Relations
- Mathematical Methods
- Vector Opeations
- ODEs
- PDEs
- Complex Analysis
- Waves, Oscillations and Opitcs
- Wave equation
- System of Oscillators
- Study of lens
- Modern Physics
- Special Theory of Relativity
- Quantum Mechanics
- Particle and Nuclear Physics
- Classical Mechanics II
- Hamiltonian
- Lagrangian
- Electromagnetism II
- Maxwell’s Equations
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Statistical Mechanics
- Ensemble Theory
- Quantum Statistical Mechanics
92.31 % Passed
0 % In Progress
46.15 % In Progress
30.77 % In Progress
100 % Passed
0 % In Progress
0 % In Progress
3.85 % In Progress
0 % In Progress
23.08 % In Progress
0 % In Progress
0 % In Progress